The Monroe County Transportation Authority (MCTA) is committed to a policy of nondiscrimination in the conduct of its business, including its Title VI responsibilities, and the delivery of equitable and accessible transportation services. MCTA recognizes its responsibilities to the communities in which it operates and to the society it serves. It is MCTA’s policy to utilize its best efforts to assure that no person shall, on the grounds of race, color or national origin be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under its program of transit service delivery and related benefits.
If you believe that you have been excluded from participation in, denied the benefits of, or subjected to discrimination based on race, color or national origin under MCTA’s program of transit service delivery or related benefits, you may file a complaint with the Title VI Coordinator/EEO Officer or the Executive Director during normal business hours. An individual who believes they have been discriminated against by the Title VI Coordinator/EEO Officer or Executive Director has the right to file a complaint with the MCTA Board Chair. All complaints shall be confidential and investigated promptly. Reasonable measures will be undertaken to preserve information that is confidential. The Title VI Coordinator/EEO Officer will complete a final report for the Executive Director with a copy to the Solicitor. If a violation is found to exist, remedial steps as appropriate and necessary will be taken immediately. The investigation process and final report should take no longer than sixty (60) days.
Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, as amended, prohibits discrimination on the basis of race, color, or national origin in programs and services funded, in whole or part, by financial assistance from the United States Government. All services and programs operated or sponsored by MCTA, 134 MCTA Drive, Swiftwater, PA 18370 Phone (570) 839-6282 ext. 421 Fax (570) 243-3438 are subject to the requirements and obligations of Title VI. It is the intention of MCTA to fully comply with Title VI. Persons who believe that they have experienced or witnessed any act or inaction, intentional or otherwise, in any program, service, or activity operated by or sponsored by MCTA that results in or may result in disparate treatment or impact, or perpetuates the effects of prior discrimination on the basis of race, color, or national origin may file a written complaint with MCTA or the U.S. Federal Transit Administration. Complaints must be mailed within 180 days of any alleged discrimination. Complaints should be mailed to:
MCTA Title VI CoordinatorIt shall be the responsibility of the EEO Officer, or his designee, to track, investigate and document Title VI complaints received. The EEO Officer shall maintain a log of Title VI complaints received. This log will include the date the complaint was filed; a summary of allegations; the status of the complaint and actions taken by MCTA in response to the compliant. Should MCTA receive a Title VI complaint in the form of a formal charge or lawsuit, the Solicitor shall be engaged as necessary to assist with the investigation described herein.
Complaints may also be filed directly with the Federal Transit Administration with the Federal Transit Administration’s Office of Civil Rights, Attention:
Title VI Programs Coordinator East Buildingno later than 180 days after the date of the alleged discrimination.
How to File a Complaint to MCTAA person with a Title VI or other complaint may submit the complaint to MCTA using the following procedures:
Information in Spanish is available by calling (570)839-6282 x433.
Information on the MCTA website is also available using Google Translate, and can be found in eighty (80) languages to assist you.